Mar Menor

A unique ecosystem in the world


The Mar Menor is a salt lagoon or small sea. Over time, it has been called by different names. However, they all agree that this very special sea is a large coastal lagoon of 170 square kilometres of warm, calm and shallow waters. A salt-flavoured paradise.

The Mar Menor is synonymous with rest and tranquillity. Its calm, shallow waters make its beaches an ideal place for children’s first swimming lessons. In addition, their high degree of salinity, the highest in Europe, makes them beneficial to health.

In its warm waters, with a maximum depth of 7 metres, you’ll find the ideal conditions for sailing. To this, you can add all the advantages offered by the Mar Menor Nautical Resort with its nautical, sports and tourist infrastructures, as well as hotels, accommodation and training and leisure establishments grouped together in a common space: the entire shores of the Mar Menor and La Manga.

This saltwater lagoon has special climatic conditions that are ideal for water sports all year round: more than 300 days of sunshine a year and an average annual temperature of 18ºC.